A society where inclusion is given
We are committed to ensure that everyone in our society can freely and actively participate in life. With our inclusion projects in the areas of leisure, work and…
Blindspot clarifies with the respective tenants individually how the costs incurred can be covered.
There is a fair rental price scheme according to each room size. This cost sharing…
Blindspot works in a participatory and holistic way, sensitises people with and without disabilities, promoting self-determination and empowerment.
One of the central aspects of the…
Merkblatt Wichtige Anhaltspunkte für Betriebe, die Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung einstellen möchten Dieses Merkblatt richtet sich an Betriebe aus dem ersten Arbeitsmarkt, die Menschen mit …
From workplace-inclusion to holiday camp – our inclusion projects focus on the most important areas of life: Leisure, work and living. However, they all pursue the same goal: they encourage,…