The living style is aimed at young adults with and without disabilities between the ages of 18 - 30. The project is suited for young people with disabilities who can or want to learn how to live…
Blindspot works in a participatory and holistic way, sensitises people with and without disabilities, promoting self-determination and empowerment.
One of the central aspects of the…
Blindspot clarifies with the respective tenants individually how the costs incurred can be covered.
There is a fair rental price scheme according to each room size. This cost sharing…
Blindspot is convinced of the added value of a diverse society. In order to make this added value tangible, Blindspot creates platforms for encounters and personal development. Blindspot raises…
The living style is aimed at young adults with and without disabilities between the ages of 18 - 30. The project is suited for young people with disabilities who can or want to learn how to live…
Blindspot works in a participatory and holistic way, sensitises people with and without disabilities, promoting self-determination and empowerment.
One of the central aspects of the…
Blindspot clarifies with the respective tenants individually how the costs incurred can be covered.
There is a fair rental price scheme according to each room size. This cost sharing…